Trust Your Dog
Find your furry pup a job he loves!
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Train One. Save One.
By training your dog you personally are helping a shelter dog find his forever home.

Trust Your Dog to make the right decisions.
Who is your dog?
Not every dog is the same, just like not every human is the same. We focus on your dog’s personality and find the training approach that works best for him.
What motivates your dog?
It does not matter if you have had your pup for a week or for years, whether he likes treats or not, let’s find out what motivates him to make the right choice.
Real life application.
Getting a pup to behave at home can be relatively easy, but we want to make sure that fluffy behaves just as well outside where all the fun distracting stuff comes in.
Become a mini trainer!
Walk away from our training program feeling like you can take the dog training world by storm. Don’t tell anyone, but the human usually needs more training than the dog. :)
Our Philosophy
Trust your dog to not jump up on every guest that comes into your home, without needing to shout ‘off’ a hundred times. Trust your pup not to bark his head off to chase away the mailman away. Trust your dog to appropriately greet a dog on leash and to navigate through a mall, without picking up every bit of food off the ground. Trust your dog not to chew up the couch when you are gone for more than a hot second to grab a quick cup of coffee.
After more than a decade of science based positive reinforcement training, we are taking it even a step further. A good dog is a dog that not only knows all the obedience command we teach him, but knows how to behave without needing to hear your voice all day. Don’t let your voice become background music, teach your dog how to make the right choice himself and use the commands he knows only when really necessary.